Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fringe The Return

I am so excited. Fringe returns with new episodes tonight. Tonight's episode is called Peter and will allow Walter to explain (if he can) how he ended up taking the Peter from the alternative universe to replace his dead son. I love the Walter character but he has a lot to atone for and Peter's kidnapping is only one of those things. But the last episode before this long break, "Jacksonville" really set up the ground work for the rest of the season.
"Jacksonville" begin with an architect in New York City getting a cup of coffee. An earth tremor causes him to discuss the fact that there have been several of these tremors in the last few days. Then there is a more violent quake and all hell breaks out. The Fringe team gets the call and head to New York. Olivia mentions that the building looks rearranged (ding, ding--that's a clue) Once they go inside the special effects people really earn their bucks. What the Fringe team finds inside is bodies literally inside walls, inside other bodies. It is an astonishing scene. They find one man still alive. Walter questions him about what happened on 9/11. He tells him the buildings destroyed on 9/11 were the White House and Pentagon. This proves Walter's theory that the building is a place where the alternative universe and our universe have collided and a building from the AU (alt. universe) is trying to inhabit the same space (never a good idea). The man dies but not before asking that someone calls his wife. The police on hand say the man is not married but he is wearing a wedding ring. Then something moves beneath the death man's shirt. Walter moves the shirt aside and there is another head sticking out the man's chest. The same face on each head. This version of the man also dies and Walter closes the eyes of each of the dead men.
Walter sends the body (bodies) back to the lab and Astrid who has survived a lot says she can not help Walter with that body. Walter sends her to look through objects removed from the building looking for anomalies. She finds a Richard Nixon silver dollar which Walterterms disturbing. Then she finds a double decker car. This car reminds Walter of something and then he remembers an experiment he and William Bell conducted in which they sent a car to the other universe. Then a few hours later a car from that universe appeared in our universe. So Walter now knows what is going to happen. A building from our universe is going be pulled into the other universe with everyone inside. Walter has an idea of how to figure out which building. To do this he wants to take Olivia back to Jacksonville where he and Bell first experimented on her and the other children. Peter doesn't want her to go but she agrees and they all go back to Jacksonville. The "school" has been stuff down and locked up for all these years. Olivia finds herself looking back to a very disturbing time in her life. This is a different Walter. He thinks that reminding Olivia of her past will bring back the ability she possessed at that time of telling which objects were from the AU. It doesn't work. Olivia or Olive as she was then was a child and more easily frightened than the grown Olivia. Walter seems to like the trip down memory lane. Back to a time when he literally had all this marbles. The trip is less pleasant for Olivia.
Walter decides to give Olivia a dose of the drugs he used on her as a child to try and take her back to that ability. It works to a certain extent. Olivia sees herself as a child but she comes out of drugged state angry at Walter and still unable to distinguish between objects from the two universes.
In New York the dogs have begun to howl (a sign that the building is getting ready to be pulled across). The Fringe team heads back to New York and to Massive Dynamics to try and help them locate the building. Peter suggests that the building will need to be the same mass as the building that appeared in our universe. This gives them a starting point but time is running out. Olivia is upset because she feels she as let the team down. She finds Peter and they talk. She tells him she is frightened. He tells her not to be and leans in as if to kiss her when she suddenly realizes that being frightened might be just what she needs. She runs to the roof and sees the building in the distance that is sparkling. She heads for it telling Broyles and he has the building evacuated. Olivia arrives just in time to save the door man. They are almost pulled into the vortex which takes the building into the AU.
As the episode ends the Fringe team are back in Cambridge. Olivia and Peter are going out for a drink. When Olivia arrives she notices that Peter is shimmering like the building. She immediately realizes what this means. Walter seeing her face realizes that she knows his secret. When Peter, who doesn't notice, goes to get this coat, Walter begs her not to tell Peter.
Great episode. Can not wait to hear Walter's explanation tonight.

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