Monday, April 12, 2010

The Amazing Race and the Lesbians

Now I was not one of the people who watched The Amazing Race from the beginning. In fact I didn't watch any episodes until season 14. Since then I have gone back and watched all seasons of the show. I have always been very pleased that The Amazing Race has been open and honest about having Gay, Lesbian and Bi-sexual competitors. From the first season on, almost every season has had an individual or a couple who fit one of these categories. And I can only think of one instance where one person acted uncomfortable when he found out that two of his fellow competitors were a couple (I'm thinking of season 4 when Chuck looked affronted by Reichen and Chip discussing how they were married--and with Chuck it was only a look, he did not say anything)
Now forward to season 16 and suddenly a dating couple are being targeted in what almost seems like a homophobic attack by another couple. Carol and Brandy are dating. Yes, they are open about this fact. Caite (of Caite and Brent) has from the very beginning referred to Carol and Brandy not by name but as the Lesbians and usually the Mean Lesbians. She has said numerous times how much she hates the mean lesbians. Now I realize this is just a game but she seems to have a serious problem. I am suddenly reminded of the song from South Pacific "You've got to be carefully taught". That song was about racism but I think the same would hold true for a hate towards those whose sexual orientation is not heterosexual. I think Caite has been taught from childhood to hate things and people whom she doesn't understand. She was told that she was pretty and that being pretty would let her get away with a lot (and so far that has been the case). She seems unaware of how shrill and unattractive she can be. The episode that stand out for me was when each team had to load all the coconuts and take by cart to another place. 3 teams goofed and left one of the coconuts behind but only Caite whined about why was this happening to them and then starts to cry. And Brent just says he is going to quit. Bad things happen all the time (much worse than losing a tv race). Caite seems to be one of those people who think life should just be easy for them. She knows that video of her at the beauty pageant is on Youtube, so why is is surprised when others know about it. If she had laughed about it with the others and told how she was so frightened to be put on the spot in the pageant she would have gotten most of the others over on her side and made friends. Instead she decided to be affronted that someone would have mentioned such a thing. Caite I hope you learn to laugh at yourself and i hope you learn not to judge people by their sexual orientation or ethnicity. And as for The Amazing Race I am disappointed that you kept all the cuts in with Caite talking about the mean lesbians. I thought better of you. I have found your show competitive but not usually mean spirited. I hope on future races you spend more time checking on contestants IQs and less worrying about filling your "model" quota. I would like you to have more average joes and jills and fewer (as in no more) people from other reality shows.

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