Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fringe and the Clue

Olivia in the lab with the revolver was an interesting episode to follow the heart breaking Peter. Olivia (the episode not the woman) starts in a coffee shop with a very ill gentleman talking to a lawyer about his illness which he thinks was brought on my something in the area around where he grew up. When he asks the lawyer if she remembers any of the kids they knew growing up I realized he had probably grown up in Florida. The lawyer who is very concerned for the guy comes up with one name from her past. The man touches her on the hand and you just know that is not good. Sure enough minutes after leaving the man the lawyer is covered in sores and lesions and has passed out in her car at an intersection. When Fringe is contacted they (well Walter) figures out that she was advanced cancer. Only the woman did not have cancer when she left her office.
Olivia who is still having trouble sleeping has a visit in the night from bowling alley guy who brings a Clue game (hence the episode title) for them to play. Are they telling us that like "Lost" Fringe is one of those series where you are always looking at the clues but never really seeing the whole puzzle. Figured that out in episode one, but thanks.
This episode once more shows how much harm was done by the experiments Walter and William conducted on children in Jacksonville and other places. I hope we do really see some good come from these because we have seen a lot of bad. Olivia has that ability to see objects and people from the other side but what other abilities were Walter and William trying to create? This is an always interesting show.
Can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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