Friday, April 30, 2010

Fringe Brown Betty

I was looking forward to this much hyped episode and I hate to admit it but I was disappointed. I enjoyed the look of the episode but I wanted a) more singing (I, like Walter's mother, love musicals) and b) I don't like being hit over the head by things (I get it that Peter leaving has broken Walter's heart.) I wanted to like the noir-ish aspects of the episode but I found the cellphones and computers a bit jarring. When Astrid broke into a song from A Chorus Line I so wanted a line of of hospital staff to appear behind her doing a kick step (didn't happen) And why does Walter see the Observer's as dangerous. Walter has always thought of them as the ones who saved Peter and himself (the story of falling into the frozen lake was true after a fashion). No, in this drug induced fantasy he fears them. I don't think so. I was glad to see Water is regretting some of the decisions he and William Bell made in regards to experimenting on children. And yes as Peter tells Olivia, Walter has done a lot of bad things, but again this is something we already knew.
I suppose I am so disappointed because I had such high hopes. Fringe has been so off the wall from day one that I just knew they'd do this up right. But it felt to much like filler. Like a brief respite before the big, bad season finale starts. I thought many of the "singers" did a great job. I wish Broyles and Astrid had both been given a longer time to sing. They each have wonderful voices. I was hoping for a Peter and Olivia duet (in their case it might have been The Impossible Dream) And what is it with Willy Wonka lately. Seems like music from the original Gene Wilder film is popping up in a lot of places. And couldn't you just see the Observers singing "Someone to Watch over Me"?

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