Thursday, July 9, 2009

Torchwood children of earth Day 3 Spoilers

Day three of Torchwood Children of earth starts with the Torchwood gang moving into an abandoned warehouse. Rhys calls it Hub2.

Gwen decides that since they are being treated as criminals that they act like so they go on a crime spree. Jack steals a sports car. Gwen steals a laptop. They all get credit cards and other items which they need to refurnish the new Hub. Pretty soon they are up and going. Gwen is send to talk to Lois again. She tries to convince Lois to wear the Torchwood contact lenses which will allow Torchwood to see what she sees. Lois is not keen on this and who could blame her.

Back in Hub2 Ianto asks Jack if he thinks he will ever be killed. Jack says that the doctor says he is a fixed point in time so he thinks that means that no he can not be killed. Ianto says so Jack will watch him grow old and die and he will just go on. Jack says yes. Ianto then says that should make the most of the time they have. But before they can make some new memories Ianto finds that Mr. MacDonald has been arrested and sends Gwen to spring him. Then Jack has him retrieve pictures of the other people that Forbisher had killed. He wants to see what they looked like in 1965. Turns out he recognizes them. Then Jack takes off leaving a puzzled Ianto.

Jack's daughter is still trying to call her Dad. Finally she borrows another phone and calls the police to find out if Jack was involved in the explosion. They transfer to the bad guys and she gets spooked and hangs up. But CCTV footage shows the baddies where she lives. She realizes something is wrong and she and her son try to get away but are captured just as the children all start pointing toward London.

Gwen calls Andy to help her get Mr. MacDonald out of jail and he agrees to help her. She manages to get him out and brings him back to the Hub2.

Jack finds Forbisher's house and steals a cell phone. He then calls Forbisher and tells him he is going to come forward with what he knows about the 456. Forbisher tells him he has his daughter and grandson. Jack says he can get Forbisher's wive and daughters. Forbisher says but you won't because you are a better men than me.

The 456 appear in the glass room tell Forbisher they wish to speak to the world.
He arranges to have other representatives from countries come. The Prime Minister says that Forbisher will be the point man and he will take a back seat. You feel it is less to do with trust he has in Forbisher and more to do with covering his own backside.

Lois puts in her contacts and Torchwood can see into the meeting with the 456. Forbisher asks what the 456 want and they say the children. They want 10% of the earth's children.

Jack arrives back at the Hub and MacDonald realizes that he has seen Jack before. Jack was the man who came and got the kids from the orphanage in 1965. Gwen assumes he is mistaken about what Jack was doing. But Jack says know he was there and he gave those children to the 456 as a gift.

TaTa. End of Episode 3. Can not wait until tomorrow.

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