Friday, July 10, 2009

Torchwood Children of Earth Day 4 (big mama spoilers)

Okay, fasten your seat belts, you're in for a bumpy ride. Last nights Torchwood was gut wrenching. The episode starts with a flash back to 1965 in Scotland. Captain Jack has been called in to oversee the handing over of 12 children to the 456. It isn't spelled out explicitly but it seems to be a government operation. When Jack asks why they need him for this he is told it is because he doesn't care. This seems to take him by surprise. You see Jack pick up the children from an orphanage and tell them they are going on an adventure. He drives them on a bus to the coordinates and has them follow him off the bus. When a light appears ahead he tells the children to walk into the light. 11 do so, 1 stands back by Jack. He asks if it is safe. Jack tells him it is and he starts after the others. Then there is light and noise and the 12th child is running off onto the moor. The light vanishes and the children are gone.

MacDonald listening to Jack's story is reliving the whole experience. He tells Jack that he Jack is in every nightmare he has ever had. Jack says he is sorry. MacDonald pulls a gun away from Gwen and shoots Jack. Ianto goes and cradles Jack's body while Gwen goes to MacDonald and takes the gun away from him. When Jack comes back to life MacDonald runs off and Gwen follows him. She convinces him to come back. He says how ironic that the man who sent him and his friends to die can not die himself.

Captain Jack's daughter and grandson are taken to the same base where he was kept after the explosion. Alice tells the woman placing them in a cell that she better watch out that her father is not a man to mess with.

Back at Hub2 MacDonald asks why he and his friends were chosen in 1965. Jack says because they wouldn't be missed. Jack says that the one consolation was that the deal seemed to have worked. The 456 were gone for 44 years. MacDonald ask why was he left behind. Gwen guesses that maybe he was too close to puberty for whatever the 456 needed the children for.

Gwen notices that the government meeting that Lois is attending is starting and they all listen in and record the meeting. Forbisher is asking what the 456 really need. He asks for clarification. The 456 notices the camera and asks who is watching. The 456 say that a remnant is watching. MacDonald thinks they are talking about him. Gwen says no it is the camera in the room. Forbisher tells the 456 that the prime minister is watching by link. The 456 tells them to send the camera into their glass room. The camera man is placed in a Hasmat suit and send in. He takes his camera. The monitor picks up three heart beats and they tell the cameraman to get closer. He sees a child hooked into some sort of apparatus. This is one of the children from 1965. The camera man is brought out. Forbisher says this is unacceptable. The 456 say they do not harm the children, they feel no pain. The 456 say they have one day to give them 10% of all the Earth's children.

The UN official is very upset to find that the UK had dealing with the 456 in the past and kept it a secret. They demand the files.

Ianto tells Jack that this knowledge must have been eating away at him. Ianto says he should have told him. Ianto says that he has only ever seen the surface of Jack. Jack says that is all there is. Ianto says no that that is what Jack wants them to think. Jack leaves to call Forbisher. He tells Ianto that Forbisher has his daughter and grandson. He tells Forbisher that he will work with him if he releases Alice and her son. Forbisher refuses. Then he is summoned to the Prime Minister's meeting room.

The Torchwood crew watch the meeting. The Prime Minister asks for an alternative offer to make to the 456. They want to know how many children will be offered to them. They want to know how many can be given without anyone noticing. They discuss giving up failed asylum seekers children. They ask Forbisher to go back to Thames House and offer the 456 60 units (children) from Britain. Forbisher calls his wife and tells her that he loves her and their daughters. His wife doesn't answer until he has hung up. She is crying.

The Prime Minister is watching as Forbisher makes his offer to the 456. One child for every million people on earth. The 456 say that is not acceptable. They say 325,000. All the children in the UK start saying 325,000. The children from other countries say other numbers. Those are the number of children needed from each country.

A man tells the prime minister that it is worth considering doing as asked because the earth is over populated and that would be one way of slowing the growth. He says he is thinking of a way to spin this to the public. Politics as usual no matter what crisis.

The woman in charge of the group after Torchwood decides to go to London to try and find Jack.

The Prime Minister asks for practical solutions to this problem. Forbisher says he can transport the children and that he has school rosters. They discuss how to go about choosing. They fight among themselves. They do not wish their children or grandchildren to be in the groups. The Prime Minister says that the children and grandchildren of everyone around the table will be safe. A woman says what about nieces and nephews. So she says they should choose who will be most useful in the future to the country to be spared. The lest fortunate will be the ones who's children will be given up. The distaste is palpable but but no one will speak against this idea.

Gwen says they have enough evidence recorded to take down the government. Jack says they can use it to force their way into Thames House. He and Ianto take off for Thames House.

Ianto makes a call to his sister. He tells her that he loves her and that she must not let the children out of her sight. He says that all the people listening in should know that their children are not safe. He tells them to tell every parent they know. Gwen sends Rhys away with a laptop. The woman is still trying to find Jack. They figure out where the Hub2 is and head that way.

Forbisher says they need a cover story for getting the children. He suggests saying that the the children need an inoculation to keep the 456 from speaking though them. Then when the children disappear they will say that the 456 double crossed them and took the children. Ass covering time for the government.

Ianto calls Gwen and says that he and Jack have arrived. The baddies zero in on the Hub2. Jack and Ianto march into Thames house. Gwen asks Lois to tell the government that Torchwood is at the door to help. Lois raises her hand and asks to speak. She is hushed but she will not shut up. She tells them that she is working for Torchwood. She tells them that Torchwood has been recording all the meetings unless they do what Torchwood says the recordings will be made public.

The bad guys reach the Hub2. They enter and order Gwen to the floor. She says we have been expecting you. She asks them to take her to Alice and Stephen Carter. The woman says they will be in the next cell. Gwen says no she has a better idea.
Lois tells the government to let Jack take charge. Gwen tells the woman that Rhys has all the recordings and will distribute them unless they do as she says.

Ianto and Jack enter the room with the 456. Jack tells them that he was there in 1965 and that he will not let it happen again. The 456 says they yielded in the past that that they will yield again. Jack says he will go public and let all 6 million on earth take on the 456. He says the human race in defense of their children will fight to the death.

The 456 says that humans adapt to death. The 456 release a virus into the building.
They say all will die. This is to show their resolve. Ianto and Jack try to shot out the glass in the tank. The bullets will not break the glass. They release a high pitched noise. MacDonald reacts. He is screaming.

Jack says he must get Ianto out of the building. Ianto says it is too late. Jack begs for Ianto's life. MacDonald dies. Ianto cradled in Jack's arms dies. Jack dies. All the people in Thames House are seen trying to escape and the falling over dead. The 456 say tomorrow your people will deliver the children.

The Prime Minister tells Forbisher to put a plan into action but which plan to turn over the children or to fight.

Gwen is taken to a morgue where she is directed to two bodies. She first uncovers Jack and then Ianto. Jack awakens and puts his arms around Gwen as she cries over Ianto's body. She says there is nothing we can do.

End of part four

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