Saturday, July 11, 2009

Torchwood Children of Earth Day 5 (Spoilers)

I'm not sure I have the stomach to do a full blow by blow of this episode. I starts with a Unit agent going back to Thames House and asking the 456 why they need the children. He finds out that the children are used as drugs for this species. Everyone watching in is sickened by this.

Then Forbisher comes to where Jack and Gwen are in the morgue. Jack asks him to take Gwen back to Wales and to let Ianto's sister know about his death. Then Jack is arrested and taken to a cell. Lois is across the hall from him and calls out to him. She asks what they can do now. He does not answer. He has been told that his daughter and grandson will be released.

The woman releases Alice and Stephen and shows Alice the footage from Thames House of the alien child.

The Prime Minister goes on television and tells the public to send their children back to school and that they will be given inoculations at noon the next day.
He then calls Forbisher into his office and tells him and his daughters will be given inoculations at noon on television to convince the other parents that it is safe. Forbisher says but there are no inoculations. The Prime Minister says that after the public realizes what has happened to their children they will be able to see that the government officials also lost children. Forbisher begs for his daughters but is denied.

Forbisher has his secretary get something for him. He uses a number. She does not want to do it but he insists. She returns with a box, very obviously a gun, and gives it to him. He kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

Then we see children in schools and army trucks start to arrive. Then it cuts to Forbisher's secretary coming to visit Lois in jail. She starts telling Lois how she meet Forbisher 30 years before. While she is talking we see Forbisher arrive home. He kisses his wife and hugs his daughters and sends them all upstairs. He goes up after them with a gun behind his back. He closes the door and we heard three shots in quick succession and then one more.

The soldiers begin going to schools and marching the children out. Some mothers show up and try to get their children. The children are loaded on buses. Some of the children are crying.

Gwen, Rhys and PC Andy go to Ianto's sister's house and tell her about his death. Then Gwen tells them they have to get the kids away. Rhys who was left outside as a lookout sees the trucks coming into the housing project. He runs to warn the others.

Jack's daughter and son are with the woman who kidnapped them. She says they will be safe. She tells Alice what is going on. Alice tells her that they need Jack Harkness. Men arrive at the jail and break Jack out. Then he is seen on the roof of a building still handcuffed as a helicopter lands.

In Wales, Gwen and Ianto's sister are getting coats on all the children and telling them to be quiet. Rhys, Ianto's sister and Gwen take the children out the back and down a hill to an old warehouse. Ianto's brother-in-law and some of their neighbors take on the troops in a fist fight. PC Andy joins them. PC Andy and the others are subdued.

Jack is brought to the place where Alice is being held. He is asked if he can save the children. He gets to work on the computers.

Gwen promises Rhys that she will not abort their child. She also records her message about how the world is ending.

Jack asks about how MacDonald died. He is shown the recording and he listens to the sound. An idea occurs to him. The scientist from Thames House who was brought along with Jack says that they must use the same method the 456 used. Jack realizes he means using the children. Then he tells Jack they must use one child who as he puts it will be fried to send the signal. Jack is horrified. His daughter who is next to him says no Dad you can't. The others are saying it is the only way to save millions. Finally Jack nods. The guards go and get Stephen. Alice tries to stop them. They bring Stephen back to the room with Jack. He stops struggling when he sees Jack. Jack looks so fragile. They place Stephen in the center of the room and Jack begins to send the signal. Stephen begins to emit a high pitched scream. Soon all the children are doing the same thing. We see the 456 reacting. Then they explode and then the light goes up and into the clouds giving the impression that the 456's ship was destroyed as well. Stephen falls. Alice runs to him but he is dead. Jack is crying. Later Alice is trying to leave but Jack is waiting for her. She turns back and reenters the same room refusing to talk to him. Jack gets up and leaves.

The Prime Minister says that things worked out luckily for Britain. He will say that the rounding up of the children was all the US's idea. Forbisher's secretary tells him that she had been to visit Lois and that she got instructions on how to wear the Torchwood contact lenses. She has been recording all his conversations. The woman MP says that she will see that Lois is released and that she will be taking over a lot of the PMs duties. He looks shell shocked but realizes there is nothing he can do.

Six months later Rhys and a very pregnant Gwen have travel out to meet Jack. Gwen gives him his vortex manipulator. He tells her he has been traveling but the world is empty. Gwen tells him that what happened was not his fault. He doesn't believe her. He says he has a way to leave the planet. Gwen asks him to stay for her but he says he can not. He transports away leaving Gwen in tears. Rhys comes to her and leads her away.
End of part five.

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