Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Torchwood children of earth Day 2 (spoilers)

Torchwood children of earth episode two was a doozey. The one who planted the bomb in Jack realize that he is not an ordinary man so they pick up the pieces (glad we don't see any more than an arm at this time) and place them in a cell. Sure enough Jack begins to regenerate but it seems a slow and very painful process. Ianto has seen the people take Jack's body away and gets a license number off the vehicle so he can find Jack.

Gwen and Rhys are on the run and head for London on the back of a lorry (truck for us Americans) full of potatoes. In this very unromantic setting Gwen finally tells Rhys she is pregnant and he is very happy but also very worried. Gwen explains that they can't stop just because they are going to be parents. She is right but you feel for Rhys.

Ianto's sister's house is searched but Ianto manages to get a message to his sister asking her to meet him where his father had broken his leg. It turns out to be a park and you figure there are a lot more to that story but you really don't have time for it now.

Jack's daughter tries to call him but just gets his voice mail.

Ianto's brother-in-law and some of his neighbors cause a disturbance which lets Ianto's sister drive away to meet Ianto. She brings him a laptop computer which he needs so he can locate Jack. While they talk the children in the park give their next message. "We are coming tomorrow."

Jack has come back from the dead and recreated his body but he is chained naked in a cell. But this is not enough for the woman who had been trying to kill him so she pours concrete over him.

Gwen and Rhys make it to London and she calls John Frobisher's office. As we know Frobisher is the one who put the hit on Torchwood. So when Gwen calls Lois who is new in Forbisher's office recognizes the name and arranges a meeting at a Cafe. Lois meets them and explains that he boss is the one who is trying go kill all the Torchwood folks. Lois is caught in all this and does not really know who to trust but does know that she didn't sign on to have people killed. She does know where Jack is being held and she gives Gwen a blueprint of the building and tells her that the body of the doctor killed in episode one is to be released to a funeral home and when this will take place.

Gwen and Rhys meet up with the funeral home van and place the worker in a coffin and leave him on the side of the road. They make it into the base and locate Jack's cell only to find him encased in concrete. They run into a fire fight and when Gwen runs out of bullets it seems they are about to die but when the concrete behind them explodes giving them a chance to escape through the whole in the wall that Ianto has created in taking Jack out in his concrete suit. Gwen and Rhys jump aboard the machinery that Ianto is driving and they head out with the bad guys after them. Gwen has Rhys drive a lorry into the road way and as the baddies arrive she shoots out the gas tank making the lorry explode.

After their escape Ianto drives to a quarry where he drops the hunk of concrete from the top. Then he joins Rhys and Gwen in his sisters car and they drive to the bottom. A naked Jack awakens and come and joins the others. Now if only episode 3 gets here soon.

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