Wednesday, March 31, 2010

HGTV and the broadening of the American mind

I have become obsessed with HGTv in the last few months. For several months I have loved House Hunters and House Hunters International. I will admit the International part is what first caught my eye. I have always had the travel bug and the idea of living abroad has surfaced from time to time. I am such a homebody that I realize that I am very unlikely to ever live outside the US so I live vicariously through these other people. I also came to realize that these shows quite often had gay couples on. I thought this was really great. They didn't seem to pat themselves on the back saying "look we have gay content", it was like it was just normal. And then I realized that that was exactly what it was, normal. While a big part of the US might oppose gay marriage, HGTv was quite willing to say see these people are the norm, get used to it. I think the fact that a lot of HGTv content comes from Canada may have helped with this. Canada, who has gay marriage, is ahead of the US in this area. Most of the world is ahead of the US in this area. Soon it will be just us and Uganda left on this side of the fence.
HGTv has several shows hosted by openly gay people, Color Splash hosted by David Bromstad,
Curb Appeal and the Block hosted by John Gibbing. And once again no big deal is made about the hosts sexuality. Why should there be? One doesn't see John Doe who is heterosexual will be starring in XYZ this fall, but the gay John Doe will be starring ... appears all the time. Why at this time in history do we still feel the need to do this. Well, obviously not all of us do. Oh well, maybe one day soon the US will be a open minded as HGTv. I hope I live so long.