Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Maggie Norman

Maggie is a rescue dog. My friend Pat saw her on the Montgomery,Alabama Humane Society website in 2000 and fell in love at first sight. Maggie was a stray who had been found on the streets of Montgomery. She was hesitate at first when Pat brought her home to Jacksonville but very soon she was queen of the house. Maggie is very outgoing. She loves other animals and all people, especially children. She is more than nine years old now but still often acts like a puppy. She is wonderful. Maggie makes you happy just by being around her. She is just so beautiful. Dogs like Maggie just need someone like Pat. Someone who will love and protect them and feed them and walk them (I think we all secretly want that). Maggie is lucky. She found Pat, but think how many animals are not so fortunate. If you are looking for a pet please consider looking at your local animal shelter. So many animals are being abandoned these days. If you don't feel able to give an animal the love and attention they need, please consider giving a donation to the animal shelter or Humane Society in your area. Maggie and I thank you very much.