Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Louis Bell

Michael would have been 30 on August 31sth 2009. But Michael was killed in a car accident on the 17th of August 2008. Michael was my only nephew. He was my sister's only son. Michael came along as a change of life baby. My sister had a daughter Joy was was fourteen when Michael was born. As a child Michael was precocious. He always acted like a grown up. He spent most of his early years around adults so he talked like he was thirty when he was four. It was very funny.
Michael had a musical gift. He loved music and could play almost any instrument he tried. He was a music major in college and started out as a band director in a middle school. He did this for a few years but he never liked the fact that music just was never considered important in schools while sports was king. So he started on a master's degree and got a job at Troy State University as an online course developer. He was almost through with his Ph.D when he died. He had left Troy State and was working for an online University at the time of his death.
Michael was bright. He was caring. He was savvy to the ways of the world. He was fun to talk to. And I really think he was a good man. Death is no respecter of persons, we are told. Death came in the shape of a rain drenched highway on a Sunday afternoon. Death was announced by an Alabama State Trouper who came to my sister's house that Sunday night to tell them the news. I got the phone call from my brother a few minutes later. I still remember the numbness that hit me. I could not understand what he was saying. The words were just words. How could mere words explain something like this. I have suffered through other deaths. But somehow this death is the one I have had the most trouble with. It still doesn't seem real. I still miss Michael. I think of things I'd like to say to him. He loved this time of year. He loved JSU football. He would have been making his plans to follow the team on their road trips.
Michael would have loved Twitter. He was a techno wiz. He knew everything (well, it seemed that way) about computers and all their accessories. He loved technology and he loved life. Now he is twenty-eight forever. Happy birthday Michael.